Main Window Menu

Program Menu


Exits the program. The program will prompt you to save if you have made changes to the snapshot and/or libraries. You can configure the program to automatically save the snapshot when it exits, in which case it won't prompt you. See the Automatically Save Snapshots option below.



Brings up the MIDI Setup dialog so you can configure your MIDI connections to the TX81Z.

Here is where you set the MIDI ports your TX81Z is connected to. The master controller port can also be set to the port your MIDI keyboard is connected to. This will cause all MIDI messages (except sysex) to be forwarded as-is from that port to the TX81Z if you need it (i.e. if it isn't already being routed by your MIDI setup).

The names of the ports depend on what type of MIDI devices you have in your system. For example, I have a MOTU Midi Express XT, which is a 16-port MIDI device (8 in/8 out), and my TX81Z is hooked up on the two 2 ports. This device is called MXPXT in the system for some reason. Hardware manufacturers have a unique knack for inventing cryptic names, so you might have to experiment a bit to get it working.

The channels are used to distinguish different TX81Z's in your MIDI chain if you are linking them together in series. Nowadays they use device numbers, but in the early days of MIDI, they thought using channels would be sufficient, so we're stuck with using channels on early devices like the TX81Z.

The channel settings in the MIDI Setup dialog have to match the channels that are set on the unit. They can be found in PLAY SINGLE (press the PLAY/PERFORM button on the unit until you see PLAY SINGLE in the display)-> UTILITY MODE (press the UTILITY button) -> Midi Control? (press the INC button) and now you should see Basic Rcv. Ch= <some channel> in the display. This channel and the MIDI Out/Transmit channel in the MIDI Setup dialog need to be the same. Now click the right arrow under PARAMETER to set the transmit channel, which should match the MIDI In/Receive channel in the dialog.

Options Menu

Most of these items can be checked or unchecked. The boldface items are just used to break up the menu a little bit and don't have any functionality.

Startup Options:

Load Previously Open Files At Startup

When this option is set, the program will open the previously opened snapshot and library files when it starts up next time.

Retrieve Edit Buffers At Startup

When this option is set, the program will retrieve the voice edit buffer (VCED) and the performance edit buffer (PCED) from the unit when it starts up.

Main Window Options:

Show Full Path Names

This option just makes file names appear with fully qualified path names. A file name is normally displayed without the path, unless it's a file in one of the recent documents' lists that is in a different directory from the current file, then it will display the full path.

Do Not Open Editor When Double-Clicking Bank Items

This will disable the opening of the editor when you double click on a library item or an item in a bank (items I01..I32, PF01..PF24, A01..A32, etc.). This is useful if you want to audition library patches without editing them.

Bring Main Window To The Front After Closing An Editor

This is just a little thing I threw in to try and make managing the windows a little easier. If you close an editor, like the voice editor, when this is checked, the main window will be brought to the front and become the active window.

Snapshot Options:

Automatically Save Snapshots

This option will cause the program to save snapshots automatically without prompting you. This happens in three situations:

This is handy because it cuts down the number of windows that pop up, but it can also work against you by saving things you don't want to save without telling you. You can avoid this by always using a scratch snapshot file as the current snapshot file and using the Save Copy As... and Load Copy items to work with other snapshot files. Or, you can keep all your important stuff in libraries, which is probably the best idea.

Library Options:

Disallow Duplicates In Libraries

This will prevent duplicate items from being copied into a library, even if they have the same name.

Global Options:

Unslashed Zeros

I don't have a big monitor and sometimes it's just too much effort for me to tell the difference between the zeros and the eights, so I added this to make it easier. Of course, the O's and the zeros look identical with this option on, so it's a tradeoff either way.

Set Highlight Color...

This allows you to set the highlight color used for modified files and items, and a few other places, like the color of the EG graphs and the highlight color of the keys on the keyboard controls.

TX81Z Version:

Version 1.0
Other Version (1.1 - 1.6)

These options affect the operation of the program so that it will reflect the features of the TX81Z that you are using. This version number refers to the version of the firmware of your TX81Z. For instructions on finding the version number see the TX81Z Notes section. This version number will be automatically detected by the program whenever possible, so you shouldn't have to manually change the version number very often. The differences between versions are listed in the TX81Z Notes section.

Window Menu

This menu is used to display the various editor windows, the on-screen MIDI keyboard, and the TX81Z remote control. Each of these are covered in their respective sections in the manual:

Help Menu


Brings up the help file and opens it to the Main Window section.

Ordering Info...

This will open up the help file to the ordering page. If the help file is not in the same directory as the executable, then the program will open up your browser to the PayPal page on the internet. I've heard people complain about not being able to figure out how to register shareware, so I thought I would throw that in as a backup.


Tells you how to register the program and lets you enter your registration code.


Displays the TX81Z Programmer splash screen, which shows the program version, my name, etc.