Performance Editor Menus

Performance Menu

This menu allows you to do some operations that affect the unit and snapshot, or one of the open libraries.

Retrieve Performance

This retrieves the performance edit buffer from the unit and updates the performance editor and the snapshot.

Transmit Performance

This sends the contents of the performance editor to the unit.

Store Performance

This brings up the store performance dialog so you can store the performance in the performance memory bank of the unit.

Just select the location where you want the performance to be stored and click OK. The program will transmit a series of remote control messages to store the performance edit buffer in the memory number you select.

The program change table will be updated before the performance is stored. This is necessary to make sure that the editor is storing the performance in the right place.

You'll want to be careful with this function because if the performance edit buffer in the unit and the PCED of the editor's snapshot are not properly synchronized then you could end up storing a performance that's different from the performance you are looking at in the editor. You could also overwrite a patch that you didn't intend to overwrite if the memory banks aren't synchronized, so be careful. It's a good idea to save all of your important patches in a library so they can be recovered if they accidentally get wiped out on the unit.

Initialize Performance

This will initialize the performance edit buffer on the unit to one of the five standard init types and update editor's snapshot and performance editor.

Add To Library 1
Add To Library 2

These will add the performance to one of the libraries that are currently open in the main window.

Bundle To Library 1
Bundle To Library 2

These will create a performance bundle and add it to one of the libraries that are currently open in the main window. See
Performance Bundles for more information on bundles.

Close Editor

This closes the performance editor window.

Exit Program

This quits the entire program.

Edit Menu


This undoes all the edits made to the performance since the changed the input focus. In other words, if you click on a slider and make multiple changes, when you click undo, it will set the control back to the value it had when you first clicked on it.

You can also undo copying and swapping by LCD dragging and dropping.

You can also undo the copying or swapping of performance instruments.

What you can't undo is things that happen to the entire performance. This includes retrieving, initializing, storing and transmitting the performance. The entire undo list is cleared and the menu item is grayed out when any of these things happen. Also, if you do something to the performance in the main window, this is also undoable and it will clear the undo list in the performance editor.


This is the opposite of undo. Just read the last section backwards :-)

Window Menu

MIDI Keyboard Control, Remote Control, Main Window, etc.

The options in this menu will open a different program window. The windows are covered in their own sections:

Help Menu


Brings up the voice editor section of the manual.