Portamento Controls
Portamento is used to make the pitch glide from note to note as you play the
Poly Mode/Mono Mode
This setting determines whether the sound is polyphonic or monophonic. Poly
mode is the normal setting, and this allows you to play chords with the sound.
Mono mode only allows you to play one note at a time with the sound, but it's
useful if you want a monophonic feel to the sound and also in situations where
you want more control over the gliding of the portamento.
Full Time Porta/Fingered Porta
This setting only affects the sound if it's in mono mode. If full time
portamento is turned on, then the sound will glide from note to note, even if
the notes are played staccato. If fingered portamento is on, the glide will
only occur when the notes are played legato.
Porta Time
This is the slowness at which the glide occurs. The higher the value the
slower the glide.