The push buttons in the snapshot area issue commands to the program that operate on items in the snapshot. Sometimes some of the buttons are disabled. This is because some of them need a certain number of items selected, or the items need to be a certain type, or both.
These buttons work on the snapshot items only, not the library items - don't try to select a library item and click the Edit Item button to edit it, it won't work! Double-click the library item to copy it into the snapshot. Remember, only the first seven snapshot items can be edited. See Editable Items for a full explanation.
This will bring up the editor for the selected item. If the item is a bank
item, then a program change is sent to the TX81Z (which it may or may not
receive - see Program Change Switch), and the
item is copied into the one of the edit buffers within the program. See
Edit Buffers for more about that.
If nothing in the snapshot is selected, or more than one snapshot item is
selected, then this button will be disabled.
This will just send a program change to the TX81Z that will change it to the
currently selected bank item.
If a bank item is not selected, then this button will be disabled.
This will copy all of the currently selected items into a library. If any of
the items already exist in the library, then they are not copied and a window
will pop up to tell you this. TODO: As of this writing, there is no way to
find out which items are duplicates, though.
If there are no snapshot items selected, then these buttons will be disabled.
These buttons will create performance bundles from the currently selected
performances and add them to a library. See
Performance Bundles for more information on bundles.
If there is nothing selected, or there is anything selected besides
performances, then these buttons will be disabled.
This button copies items from a library into the snapshot. It will be disabled
most of time. To enable the button, you have to fulfill three conditions:
For example, if you want to copy two voices and two performances from
a library, then you must select exactly two voices and two performances
in both the snapshot and the library you want to copy them from,
otherwise the Copy Items From Lib button will remain disabled.
The relative positions of the items are preserved when items are copied. In
other words, once they are copied into the snapshot, they will be in the same
order as they were in the library.
VMEMs are voices, and can be copied into the VCED or any of the memory slots
in the user bank (I01..I32). PMEMs are performances and can be copied into
the PCED or one of the perforance slots (PF01..PF24).
Note that items are not transmitted to the unit when you copy them into the
snapshot. You have to transmit them separately with the
Transmit Selected Items or
Transmit Snapshot Data button.
These buttons will retrieve or transmit the items that are selected in the
snapshot from or to the TX81Z unit.
Edit Item
Transmit Program Change
Add To Lib 1
Add To Lib 2Bundle To Lib 1
Bundle To Lib 2Copy Items From Lib
Retrieve Selected Items
Transmit Selected Items
If you use one of these buttons to transfer a bank item, the entire bank
will be sent or transmitted. The TX81Z can't receive or transmit one item
if it's part of a bank, so be careful.