System Setup Editor

This is where you edit the configuration of the unit. This is kind of like where you tell it the context in which it is being used.

Master Tune

This is the master tune setting, in units of 64/100 cents.

Basic Receive Channel

This is the channel that the TX81Z receives MIDI data on. This includes the channel that single mode operates on, as well as all sysex data. The MIDI out channel of the editor has to match this channel in order for the editor to operator on the unit. If you change this setting, the editor will try to follow and it will set its MIDI out channel to match it. This doesn't always work though, because the channel can be changed in the editor faster than the unit can react to it, so it's possible to cut off communication with the unit by changing this setting too quickly. If this is set to omni then the unit will react to all MIDI channels.

Transmit Channel

This is the channel that the unit sends MIDI data on, like bulk dumps. The editor's MIDI in channel must match this channel on the unit to receive bulk dumps from it. If you change this setting in the system setup editor, the editor will follow it and change its MIDI in channel to match it.

Program Change Switch

This setting determines how the unit reacts to program changes. When set to off, the unit will not be affected by any program changes. When this is set to com or ind, then when the unit is in single mode, it will change to whatever patch is set in the corresponding program change table entry. When the unit is in performance mode, these two act a little differently. When it's set to com, and the unit is sent a program change that corresponds to a voice, then the unit will change to single mode and dial up that voice. But if this is set to ind, and it receives a voice program change, then the unit will stay on the same performance, but the instruments in the performance that are on the channel in which the program change was sent will be changed to the voice indicated by the program change.

Let me give you an example. Say the unit has PF01 dialed up, which is a performance with eight voices that looks like this:

Channel 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
Voice I01 I02 I03 I04 I05 I06 I07 I08

Also, the program change table has A21 in entry 21, and you send program change 21 to the unit on channel 1. If the program change switch is set to com, then the unit will switch to single mode and dial up voice A21. But if the program change switch is set to ind, then all of the instruments slots in the performance which are set to channel 1 will change to A21, so the performance above will look like this:

Channel 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
Voice A21 A21 A21 I04 I05 I06 I07 I08

The editor can be used to automatically send program change messages as you edit the different voices and performances on the unit, which is pretty handy. This setting is absolutely necessary if you want to store patches in the unit from the editor because it needs to send a program change message so it can store the item in the right place. If you want this to take effect, then you should set this setting to com or ind. I highly recommend it.

Note Switch

This is used if you want to use two TX81Zs in conjunction with each other. You set one of them to even and set the other to odd, load up both of them with the same patches and set them both to the same MIDI channel, and they will more or less operate like a single TX81Z with 16 note polyphony with one unit playing the even numbered notes and the other unit playing the odd numbered notes ("numbered" referring to the MIDI note number). I have never tried this, so I can't say how well it works.

Pitch Bend Switch
Control Change Switch

This allows you to set up a single global channel for pitch bend messages or control change messages, or turn either of these classes of messages off. This can be useful if you want these message to affect all of the instruments in a performance, even if they are on different channels.

Combine Mode

Combine mode is a weird little thing that allows you to preserve "function settings" across multiple voices as you change programs. The functions it affects are:

If you're changing patches on the TX81Z, and no matter what patch you change to, it looks "edited" (i.e. the "P" in "PLAY SINGLE" is lowercase), then you have combine mode turned off, and the current set of function settings is being applied to every voice to change to. It's an odd little feature, and I have no idea what it's good for, so I keep it on all the time.

AT -> BC

This will cause aftertouch messages to act like breath controller messages so you can use aftertouch with the unit.

System Exclusive

This setting allows the unit to be modified by sysex messages. The editor needs this turned on to operate on the unit. If you turn this off here, communication between the editor and the unit will be cut off, and you'll have to reactivate it on the unit.

Memory Protect

When this is on, the unit won't let you store voices or performances. None of the other settings are affected, though.

Startup Message

This is the message that is briefly displayed when you turn the unit on.