Changing The Greeting Message
You can use the system setup editor to change
the greeting message that appears when you power up the units, but you can also
change it on the unit itself by following these steps.
The bottom line contains the startup message and you will see the cursor blinking at the beginning of the line.
Finding The TX81Z Firmware Version Number
You can find the version number and date of your TX81Z's firmware by following
these steps:
Clicking the INC button will begin the test. Click the DEC button to
avoid running the test. If you run the test, the unit will ask you to
press each button from left to right to verify that each one is
Going through this button test will perform a "factory reset", which will
replace all of the user editable data with the data that it shipped with
from the factory. I recommend making a full backup of the unit before
checking the firmware version just in case.
Differences Between TX81Z Versions
I originally planned on creating a list of differences between TX81Z ROM
versions, but as it turns out, Yamaha issued a series of service bulletins
that already has these changes fully disclosed. These were kindly sent to me
by Jesse Hager and it can be downloaded from my website at