I realize the dialog is so large that all the controls might not fit on your
screen, so I've tried a couple of different things to make it easier to
navigate around it.
- You can use scroll bars on right and bottom sides of the window. This
won't be visible if all the controls fit in the window. Indeed, the
whole scrolling issue is moot at that point. You can also turn the
scroll bars off if you don't use them, so that's another reason why they
might be hidden.
- You can pan by clicking and dragging with the right mouse button.
- You can use the mouse wheel to scroll, which, in my opinion, is the most
convenient method, since it pretty much whips right down the page. You
have to activate mouse wheel scrolling in the Options menu before
it will work, however.
- You can use the arrow keys to switch the input focus from one control to
another. If the focus lands on a control that is not completely inside
the window, then the window will scroll so that the entire control is